5 Hacks That Will Help You In Growing Your YouTube Channel Using SEO!

YouTube is known for being one of the second largest search engine platforms. Research shows that around one billion hours are spent on YouTube daily for watching online tutorials, new, watching influencers, etc. Being a popular search engine website, SEO does have a positive impact on increasing the success rate of your website and gain visibility for your YouTube Channels.

Some people are looking forward to gaining more visibility on their YouTube Channel using SEO. They should first understand that SEO is a slow but powerful process. And thus, it takes time to provide your channel more traffic. Let us now have a look at some of the best hacks that you can have a look for before trying your hands on growing YouTube channels using SEO.

  • Branding 

As you are about to start using White hat SEO tips on your YouTube Channel. It’s important that first, you work on the branding of your YouTube Channel. You might have a question running on your mind that, why should you focus on branding first? Here’s the answer to it – Since that your aim for using YouTube channel is to gain more views, online visibility, and awareness. One needs to ensure that its online branding has a cohesive, coherent, and concise look.

Before we start branding, here’s what you should be clear about it?

What branding is all about and why it is important?

Branding is the term used for creating the design, presentation, and the impact that you will be leaving on the people who come in contact with you and your content. The best thing that is the most effective and influential thing is the logo. A logo is something that keeps you apart from your competition and other imposters.

  • Creating Video Titles 

Now that you are trying to create an impactful title for your video. Make sure to use certain keywords that make your videos stand out from your competitors. People make blunder mistakes while creating the title for their videos. They create a title focusing on any random keyword. Using uncertain keywords does not have any positive impact on increasing traffic to your website. For using a proper keyword, you first need to understand how you can create a title with a specific keyword.

A keyword is nothing but a set of word or phrase that is used to identify the content that people generally search for online. There are some of the ways that you can keep in mind while searching for ways to find the right keyword. They are,

Thinking like your viewers will help you understand what keywords you should target. Try to use keywords that are relevant to the niche of your video.

Making use of Google to find the most relevant keywords. Google seems to be the perfect place that can help the newbies in finding the right keyword for their video to gain traffic.

  • Video Backlink Strategy 

Video backlink creation is one of the best strategies to use Off-Site SEO for your YouTube Channel and gain traffic. You can try adding backlinks on some of the most relevant posts of your websites blog or guest posts. Adding a backlink to blog helps in increasing traffic. This process also helps your viewers to drive more traffic for your YouTube channel.

  • Adding Links in the Description 

You can add clickable links to the description of your video. Although it is not necessary to add links, but it works well as a part of the link building process.

  • Using Keywords in the Video File Name 

Adding a keyword to your video filename make a lot of difference. For instance, you have created a video and saved it with a random name “10041200556.mp4”. Before uploading, you have renamed the filename using the keyword “marketing.growth.hacks.mp4”. 

This will help Google focus directly on the keyword that you have used in the title.  This is the easiest way that helps Google find your video and boost traffic to your YouTube channel.

Thus, the above mentioned are some of the hacks that can help YouTube Channels grow their online presence. YouTube for beginners is a guide providing you with the right strategy for your YouTube channel. But be aware that each time you are uploading a video on YouTube, you are working to make your viewers get engaged, share your content. And all that you need to be aware of is to make sure that you are using these SEO Strategies in the right manner.

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