How To Access Social Media Automation Like An Expert?

You may overhear the very famous quote of the film Spiderman said by Uncle Ben to Peter Parker that “with power comes great responsibility”. Each word of this quote wholly applies to social media automation. Because it is no less than an extreme power that is making people do things with ease and much effortless flow. Agree? But there is a parody though about automation i.e. you succeed in maintaining a genuine vibe online even if you used it recklessly. That’s completely wrong guys!! 

Automation is a powerful weapon that can make your business see the light of stardom in completely less time whereas it can also mock your business realness, if not get handled with alertness. So, in this article, we will talk about stuff and things that can guide you to use automation carefully and intelligently for your social media endeavors. 

  • Make use of great automation tools: 

Automate Social Media Posting

This is the foundation and the initial step you should take in order to get everything right in relation to social media automation. Because, if you end-up selecting any random automation tool then would face harsh consequences of it. There is software like Socinator available online that can help you in a biggish way to get everything hunky-dory with respect to your business online. There are tips which you can follow to choose the best tool amongst the stock of numerous. Here are they-

  • Go with your instinct but be aware of the reality:

It is true that we are living in an era of influencers where we can easily get convinced if somebody says something to use or in short get carried away without much effort. But in case of selecting automation tool, you have to maintain self-perspective because one tool might work for your contemporary businessman but not for yours. As there may be a lot of differences between your business facets and others. Some of them are-

  1. Niche.
  2. Brand equity.
  3. Customer nature.
  4. Targeted audience.

So, things are different for different businesses. Therefore, choose best according to your business, not others. Check whether a tool fulfilling the demands of your business or not then only take the final word.

  • Price and financial attributes:

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Some tools might not get adjusted as per the financial limitation of your business. They may be very expensive for you to afford. So, don’t ever select an automation tool which is not your financial bucket as it can harp your various marketing strategies.

  • Nature and range of tool:

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many to utter are the most popular social media platforms of today’s times. Not all automation tool work for each of them. Some provide automation aspects for Instagram and some for Facebook and some for others. So, before choosing any software, you have to make sure whether you want to buy a tool like Socinator which is Omni-accessible for multiple social media platforms or someone who is dedicated to single social networking site. 

How to automate your social media posts with a human touch?

It is a most trending question of the 21st century as people don’t know how to balance automation facets with human manual touch. Having said that, you can automate social media posting by making use of these worthy methods-

5-3-2 rule:

  • 5 - posts of your social media landscape must be created for your targeted audience but come from other merchants. 
  • 3 - posts should be a mainstream idea or reflection of your business. However, not give a feeling of over marketing and advertising.
  • 2 - posts should belong to funny and light-hearted content. So, people can feel deeply connected to your business. 


As a marker or advertisers or blogger, you definitely have a desire to get great applause and feedback for your content on social media platforms. Right!! You can get it but for that, it is necessary that your content should live on multiple social networking sites. For this, you can make use of this software. It also helps you to maintain a manual vibe while making your content viral. 

These are some of the best tips you can follow and make your social media presence look real and not over automated in essence. Social media automation is a boon if get used with all these welfare tactics. 

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